CLIMATE Let's define 'weather' and 'climate'. Weather is short term, as in what's happening today, this week, or possibly a couple months. Climate is long term, such as 20, 50, 100, or even 1000 years. The more decades or centuries you have to study, the more accurate climatic prediction will be. There are known and various 22, 44, and 98 year climatic cycles. But overall, scientific studies show few facts concerning long term climatic changes. Some of it is speculation, and much of it is theory based on computer models. These computer models are created by scientists who enter their own variable conditions, or their own information based on their findings. An example of this is carbon dioxide buildup in our atmosphere. Mankind is in fact adding it with our current lifestyles. Scientists have tested what additional carbon dioxide buildup does to a 'test tube' simulated Earth atmosphere, and they of course record their findings. Those findings are entered into the computer models which have created all kinds of diverse results. Some show that global warming has already started, others show that additional carbon dioxide will actually cool our planet. Remember, computers are not always correct. Their results are only as good as the information entered into them. So are these findings accurate to real-world climatic changes? Which scientific study do you believe? That is hard to say, but the true answers are probably somewhere near the center. Although that could prove to be wrong too. Some people have even stated that any potential global warming that might occur could actually benefit all of mankind. They say it would increase farming yields and end world hunger. I doubt this could actually be the case because if we cannot control it, how can we possibly benefit from it?